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Fequently Asked Questions:

Q: What mediums are available for SMEs to advertise on?


A: In the old days, if you were a small or medium sized company, you had about as much chance of advertising like "big business" as landing on the moon!  Television was totally out of the question; big screen (or cinema) was a little easier, but who could afford to shoot an ad? Well...that was a long time ago.


Today we have an array of new digital platforms that have really helped remove many of the historical hurdles.


  • Mobile/Social Media and Internet

Perhaps the most commonly used platforms for Small and Medium sized businesses. Advertisers can target and really fine tune their target markets with very little knowledge and very little budget. Platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Google Adwords and Linkedin have all the tools you need. You set the budget, demographics etc and the platforms do the rest.

  • Television

These days there are so many niche channels that broadcasters are now offering very good deals for smaller businesses.

  • Electronic Billboards

In the past Billboards were static. They have now gone digital and offer moving image advertising. These billboards have the advantage of constantly changing and are placed to get maximum traffic exposure.

  • Cinema (or The Big Screen)

Here you have a captive, really engaged audience and in the past this was quite an expensive option what with having to produce bulk prints for each projector etc. These days most theatres have digital projectors which means no more bulk prints and really good deals for smaller businesses.


​And the list is ever growing: Think airport, in store, shopping malls, stadiums, on flights, in taxis. In fact wherever there is a screen, there is probably the opportunity to advertise.

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